Lesson Tag: Practical

20: The Practicals of “Opt-In” Influencers

Length: 45 minutesComplexity: Standard

This section is specifically about the inventory of influencers, what it means by the influencers having "opted-in", and the easiest ways for a brand to get the information needed on influencers before enquiring.

21: How to Collaborate with Influencers in Practice

Length: 45 minutesComplexity: Standard

Collaborating with influencers is really the meat and potatoes to all the planning and strategizing that happens before. But what does the actual process look like and how do you use automation tools like Webfluential to facilitate the collaboration?

03: A Lesson In Influence

Length: 30 minutesComplexity: Standard

This lesson takes a closer look at what it means to be an influencer, whether as a business, an organization or as an individual.